# Threads

composer require socialiteproviders/threads

# Installation & Basic Usage

Please see the Base Installation Guide (opens new window), then follow the provider specific instructions below.

# Add configuration to config/services.php

'threads' => [
  'client_id' => env('THREADS_CLIENT_ID'),
  'client_secret' => env('THREADS_CLIENT_SECRET'),
  'redirect' => env('THREADS_REDIRECT_URI')

# Add provider event listener

# Laravel 11+

In Laravel 11, the default EventServiceProvider provider was removed. Instead, add the listener using the listen method on the Event facade, in your AppServiceProvider boot method.

  • Note: You do not need to add anything for the built-in socialite providers unless you override them with your own providers.
Event::listen(function (\SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled $event) {
    $event->extendSocialite('threads', \SocialiteProviders\Threads\Provider::class);
Laravel 10 or below Configure the package's listener to listen for `SocialiteWasCalled` events.

Add the event to your listen[] array in app/Providers/EventServiceProvider. See the Base Installation Guide (opens new window) for detailed instructions.

protected $listen = [
    \SocialiteProviders\Manager\SocialiteWasCalled::class => [
        // ... other providers

# Usage

You should now be able to use the provider like you would regularly use Socialite (assuming you have the facade installed):

return Socialite::driver('threads')->redirect();

# Returned User fields

  • id
  • nickname
  • avatar

# Refreshing access tokens

Threads does not support refresh tokens. It is however possible to exchange the default short-lived access tokens for long-lived refreshable access tokens. Socialite only supports the conventional way of refreshing access token with refresh tokens, so you need to implement this in your own code if you need to refresh access tokens.

First, exchange a short-lived access token for a long-lived access token.

public function exchangeAccessToken(string $accessToken): string
    $response = Http::post('https://graph.threads.net/access_token', [
            RequestOptions::HEADERS => [
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
            RequestOptions::FORM_PARAMS => [
                'access_token'  => $accessToken,
                'client_secret' => config('threads.client_secret'),
                'grant_type'    => 'th_exchange_token',

    $response = json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);

    return $response['access_token'];

After obtaining a long-lived access token, this token can be refreshed as long as it's still valid.

public function refreshAccessToken(string $accessToken): string
    $response = Http::post('https://graph.threads.net/refresh_access_token', [
            RequestOptions::HEADERS => [
                'Content-Type' => 'application/json'
            RequestOptions::FORM_PARAMS => [
                'access_token'  => $accessToken,
                'grant_type'    => 'th_refresh_token',

    $response = json_decode((string) $response->getBody(), true);

    return $response['access_token'];

# Reference